ACE Donates  772,000 IRIS Face Masks to 55 Local Governments in Indonesia

ACE Donates 772,000 IRIS Face Masks to 55 Local Governments in Indonesia

22nd March 2022

COVID-19 pandemic happening in this country since March 2020 needs concern and participation from all of us, to hand in hand cut the chains of virus spread, such as through the application of health protocols by the government. Carrying the spirit of bringing value for a better life, Kawan Lama Group through ACE business unit cooperated with IRIS OHYAMA – Japanese famous company that produces household products, plastic storage, to face masks – donated 772,000 IRIS 3-ply face masks that feature filtration rate up to 99%.

Donations were gradually distributed to 55 local governments in Indonesia, namely Aceh, Medan, Jambi, Padang, Pekanbaru, Bengkulu, Pangkal Pinang, Dumai, Batam, Palembang, Lampung, East Jakarta, Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, North Jakarta, South Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Sukabumi, Cirebon, Bandung, Sumedang, Tasikmalaya, Cilegon, Kudus, Solo, Semarang, Tegal, Purwokerto, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Jember, Mojokerto, Madiun, Kediri, Pontianak, Samarinda, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Makassar, Manado, Banjarbaru, Denpasar, Lombok, Gorontalo, Kendari, Kupang, and Ambon. Delivery process started at 7 December 2021 in North Jakarta and finished at 21 February 2022 by masks handover to West Jakarta Mayor, Yani Wahyu Purwoko in his office - who said, “Thank you for the medical masks as your support that are definitely needed in this kind of circumstance. Masks will proceed soon to related parties." 

Moreover, in the disaster emergency situation due to Mountain Semeru eruption 4 December 2021, ACE and IRIS OHYAMA at 9 December also sent 25,000 face masks to help protect people affected by the eruption and volunteers in refugee camp, followed by donation of daily needs and other products - including sending Kawan Lama Group volunteers to do some trauma healing programs for kids there.

The 772,000 IRIS face masks donation program for 55 local governments in Indonesia was fully supported by Kawan Lama Foundation - foundation that holds all social activities of Kawan Lama Group and implemented through a series of sustainable actions categorized into four pillars of Humanity, Education, Environment, and Community Development. 

“Thanks to various efforts done together by all related parties, COVID-19 virus spread and daily active cases can be under control, also the activity restrictions from the government (PPKM) is loosened up. Now various outdoor activities such as work at office and face to face learning at school can be done. Of course all of us hope that this situation keeps under control. Concerning that, as real proof of our care about fighting COVID-19, ACE and IRIS OHYAMA initiated face masks donations to various cities in Indonesia. This program is also aligned with ACE's commitment that is consistent in contributing to health recovery in the country,” said Tarisa Widya Krisnadi – Managing Director of PT Ace Hardware Indonesia, Tbk.

Akihiro Ohyama as the President of IRIS OHYAMA hoped, “We are so glad can be cooperated with ACE who actively takes part in giving social contributions for a better Indonesia. We do hope that through this program, public can keep applying health protocols, knowing that outdoor activities are now gradually coming back to situation before pandemic.”

Since 2020, Kawan Lama Group has been supporting the fight against COVID-19 spread in Indonesia, by donating 26,400 hazmat suits, 414 thermogun, 777,800 medical masks, 8,500 gloves, 325 face shields, 500 liter hand sanitizer, 3,200 educational toys, and other medical stuff to Wisma Atlet and other health facilities.