Kawan Lama Group Provides COVID-19 Vaccination Center to Support the Government

Kawan Lama Group Provides COVID-19 Vaccination Center to Support the Government

11th July 2021

Kawan Lama Group supported COVID-19 vaccination program by the government through Kawan Lama Group COVID-19 Vaccination Center. Cooperating with Kembangan District Public Health Center, the Vaccination Center is in service for the whole month of July, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, Monday to Friday. The target is to vaccinate 11,000 participants.

“We truly appreciate the government for accelerating the vaccination programs to reach national herd immunity. As a concrete form of support, Kawan Lama Group provides COVID-19 Vaccination Center to serve public citizens for a month,” stated Nana Puspa Dewi, the Corporate Affairs and Communications Director of Kawan Lama Group.  “Up to the 7th day, this activity went well with 3,500 people vaccinated. Our appeal to the public is to always practice the health protocol, even after being vaccinated,” she ended.

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Citizens were also enthusiastic to join the vaccination program. Hundreds of participants attended and followed the overall session orderly: queuing in line to register, undergoing health screening, being vaccinated by the healthcare workers, and waiting for 15 minutes for final observations. To keep the effectiveness of vaccination services, the Vaccination Center targets 500 participants each day.

“Thank you Kawan Lama Group for the vaccine. The committees were competent to lead us attendees and quick to respond. I will also stay disciplined with the health protocols,” said Rizki Amalia (20), a participant. 

In accordance with Presidential Instruction from President Joko Widodo, Kawan Lama Group COVID-19 Vaccination Center serves participants aged 12 and older.

Kawan Lama Group COVID-19 Vaccination Center is the extension of similar programs done by the Group since earlier of the year, both independently or collaborating with several parties, such as APRINDO (Asosiasi Pengusaha Ritel Indonesia), HIPPINDO (Himpunan Peritel dan Penyewa Pusat Perbelanjaan Indonesia), Yayasan CEO Indonesia, and POLDA Indonesia. Up to July 2021, Kawan Lama Group had aided vaccination services to more than 150,000 people. Kawan Lama Group is committed to continuously support the government to prevent COVID-19 spread.